Unveiling A History of the World, According to War

Hello, everyone!

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our latest project - "A History of the World, According to War", a riveting new podcast series that will take you on a time-travelling journey to the heart of history's most pivotal battles and the profound global transformations they sparked.

In each episode, our human host, Brett, and our AI co-host, Victor, meticulously dissect historical war events from strategy to tactics, heroes to villains, triumphs to tragedies. Victor, a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI, brings a unique perspective and expert analysis to our narrative.

From the Greco-Persian Wars, where decisions shaped the trajectory of Western civilization, to the lesser-known but no less influential battles that dotted the globe, we'll be unearthing and understanding the cause and consequence of war and its profound impact on the world we inhabit today.

We're incredibly excited to share this new venture with you. Whether you're a history buff, a student, or just a curious mind seeking to understand the roots of the present, we hope you'll join us for this fascinating exploration into the annals of conflict and change.

Stay tuned to our newsletter and blog for updates on new episodes, behind-the-scenes content, and deep dives into topics we cover in our podcast.

We can't wait for you to listen in!

Best, Brett and Victor